Christian Parenting
When I was six or seven, I had two pet names for my father – Naa and Ego. Although I don’t remember their origin, I suppose I was following suit from seeing the diminutives my parents used for each other on Christmas gift tags and Valentine’s Day cards. (P.B. and E.S., which stood for something […]
Viagra online OK, I said I was only going to blog about my book chapter topics for now, but I’m so excited about a group I’ve become part of that I had to share. I’ve written before about the concepts behind The Mother-Daughter Project, an initiative to keep mothers and daughters close and supported along […]
I am so thrilled today to share with you that my audio preview is live and ready for your prime time listenership! This is the first dedicated resource I know of for stepparents coming into a family where a parent has died. In today’s post I also inform you about a few other stepparenting and family resources. For […]
I am running a slightly edited version of yesterday’s post for the Wednesday stepparenting blog because I think the theme of “hosting a stranger” also applies to stepfamilies. Your partner’s kids are your brave new frontier. Will you to rise to the challenge? One of my loves is to coordinate international exchange students. I match […]
You might think that this post relates to the stepparent being new in the family. Instead, I thought I’d focus today on the new kid you and your spouse might bring into town: your baby. While your stepfamily may arrive at some household decisions together as a family, having a baby is an adult decision. […]
One way to be involved with your kids is to become involved with an activity they are passionate about. This doesn’t mean that you actually do the activity with them (although you could). What I’m talking about in this post is volunteering with an organization your child is a part of. This comment connects directly […]
One parent asked me to comment on how to help a teen fill the “what will I do for fun” void she perceives when trying to move away from drugs and alcohol as a means of escape. This is a tough one, but you have a jump start if your daughter is showing some willingness […]
Life appears to be too short to be spent in nursing animosity or registering wrong. — Charlotte Bronte I have been struggling with what I perceive as a phase in the relationship with one of my stepchildren. I’ve been feeling rejected, as if I’m not a person of any significance in this child’s life. Then […]
It’s almost Thanksgiving Day again in the good ol’ U.S. of A. Messages with cartoon turkeys and horns of plenty are crossing my computer screen. The stores display sections of brown, orange, and zucchini green criss-crossing the reds and greens of Christmas (can’t we do one holiday at a time? But, I digress….) The question […]
Your Turn: Where do you turn when stepfamily dynamics have you in a mood? “…this angst brings me to what I call my ‘swing point:’ the point at which my thoughts and feelings cross to the dark side.” As much as I try to stay positive, every once in a while I go into a […]