Sometimes I have a wake-up moment that reminds me of the instinct a mom has for her young. At the same time, I can’t help but compare this instinct to the ways I’ve parented my stepchildren. Neither approach is right or wrong – it’s just different. After I dropped my daughter off at last Saturday’s […]
Over the weekend I blogged about how day trips can give me a new family perspective, and how much I enjoy that fresh approach. I want to apply the same idea to stepparenting. I often find I am sorely in need of another perspective, sometimes when I least expect it. This happened a few weeks after my […]
I’m talking about a real, get-in-the-car, bike, or hike kind of day trip, by the way. As you may already know, I write nine things so you can fill in the tenth. Get you and your family out of the house. I love my home and have been working on making it a comfortable place with […]
Why is stepparenting after a death different than stepparenting after divorce? After all, stepfamily members in both divorce and death situations experience various kinds of losses. Am I saying that the loss of a parent is worse than the loss of a child’s former home, or the loss of living full time with Daddy? No. […]
Continue reading about How are Grieving Stepfamilies Different?
Stepmom bloggers have some pretty wise things to say about Mother’s Day. Today I’m sharing the suggestions I’ve found that I think are the most helpful. And, yes, I’ve added my own comments as well. 1. Take Mother’s Day into your own hands. Plan something that makes it your day, as opposed to waiting for […]