As I mentioned last Thursday, one of the values of this blog is to
create community around the topic of raising girls.  However,
electronic communities are fairly new, and the technical aspects of
commenting on blogs can prevent readers from wanting to join up and

Several readers have requested I walk through the technical process
of posting a comment. 
If you read a blog entry and have something to
share with me and the other readers, posting a comment is the way to
do that.  The process to get started is, admittedly, a bit tedious, but
ten minutes now sets you up to comment on any Word Press blog
whenever you’d like.

At the end of any post (also known as an entry), you’ll find a link
labeled either “No comments yet, be the first” or “Comments — join
  Clicking this link leads you to one of two scenarios:
1. If you had already registered in the past, a page will display
requesting that you log in.  Type in the user name and password you
chose for your Word Press log in.  IMPORTANT!  If you forgot your
information to the point where you can’t get it e-mailed to you, send
me an e-mail at and I can reset your
information for you.

2. If you are not registered, you get a page saying you must be logged
in to post a comment.  Click on the link “logged in,” which takes you to
the Word Press login page.  But wait! You don’t have a password set
yet! So you need to click the word “Register” in grey below the
username and password boxes.  Now you’ll see a yellow box that says
“Register For This Site.” You need to choose a user name you’ll
remember.  Type that in, enter your email, then click the blue Register
box underneath.  A password will be mailed to you at the e-mail you
specified. Go get the password and you are ready to log in and
comment on my blog or any Word Press blog.

Slight shortcut: If you know you haven’t registered as a user on Mama
J’s Parenting Posts, you can go right to the middle column on any page
with a post, under the calendar, under the heading “Meta,” and then
click “Register.”  This will also bring you to the “Register For This Site”
login page.
The bottom line is that once you have a Word Press user name and
password you remember, then you can easily leave a comment.  Just
type your thoughts into the box under “Leave a comment,” and click

If that part is not easy, please send me an e-mail at

Mama J (Diane Fromme) is a writer, parent, and stepparent located in
Northern Colorado.  For more information on her stepparenting book,
go to


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1 Comment on How to Post a Comment on this Blog

  1. Thanks for the info, I appreciate your efforts…
    keep up good work!


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