Cultural Differences
No, you’re not in a movie theater. This post is simply an introduction to several connected themes I have whirring through my head. I had lunch with a friend yesterday and she talked about how she’s organized her five- and seven-year-old to make their school lunches, help prepare dinner, and set the table. The two […]
I went horseback riding this weekend, catching what is possibly the last of the blazing gold aspen on our Northern Colorado ridges before the trees turn and the snow starts to fall. On the ride, I enjoyed the company of several teenagers, all of whom fell into a respectful silence as we journeyed across meadows and through […]
Continue reading about How Different are International Teens?
In rare form today, I’m stating my conclusion first: I don’t think there is any one right time or age for your daughter to get the first holes in her precious earlobes. However, these considerations and stories might help you make or refine your plan about what is probably the most common request from daughters […]